Building High Performance Teams

Building High Performance Teams

Building High-Performance Teams

High performing teams have been defined as the ultimate competitive advantage.  They help organizations to set appropriate strategies and achieve set goals.  There is a shared common vision and members are engaged and fully committed to the organization’s advancement and the advancement of each individual members.  They set the pace for effective collaboration across the organization. Workshop Objectives –To:
  • Provide a framework for building high-performance teams and sustaining high levels of performance.
  • Appreciate issues involved in building high-performance teams within the organization and outside environments and possible barriers that this can cause and action required by the organization and leader
  • Build teamwork and collaboration skills including problem-solving, decision-making and action planning.
Learning outcomes Participants will be able to:
  • Assess their attitude towards team building
  • Develop and effectively manage high-performance project teams including remote/virtual ones
  • Utilize tools, techniques and knowledge gained and skills developed in the course to successfully manage teams and develop appropriate control systems.
  • Promote trust and rapport
Target Group This course, Building High-Performance Teams,  is aimed at managers and supervisors and provides tools and techniques from business and project management to allow them to build high performing teams needed for improved company and personal performance. It takes a very practical approach to building high-performance teams and participants will be able to quickly apply what is taught. You can register your interest in this course or in having it put on for your company by filling the registration form and indicating your requirements. Register for the Course