Procurement Management Services

Fredericks Financial and Technical Services (FFTS) is offering procurement management services to allow companies to be able to ensure the successful running of their procurement operations.

The coming into being of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act 2015 and its amendments requires that government ministries and its agencies and companies, community-based organizations, faith-based organisations and non-government organizations who receive public money comply with its requirements and that of the Office of Procurement Regulation (OPR). 

It is therefore necessary that they put in the systems, policies and procedures to ensure their compliance.

In addition, companies often have to prepare project and other proposals either to access funding or respond to tender documents put out by companies with which they are desirous of doing business.

To this end FFTS offers the following services in this area:

    • Development of policies, procedures, manuals and handbooks
    • Provision of training to ensure their compliance with the Procurement Act and the requirements of the Office of Procurement Regulation (OPR)
    • Preparation of Project and Other Proposals to Access Funding

An important training programme is Winning Government Contracts: Procurement and Tendering Practices

Check also Are You Ready for the Implementation of the Procurement Act in T&T