My name is Theresa Frederick and I am the founder and Business and Project Management Consultant of Frederick’s Financial and Technical Services (FFTS). I am a business, project management and strategic management consultant and trainer. I worked in the micro, small and medium enterprise development for more than twenty years having held management positions in both the Agricultural Development Bank and the Business Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago. I also worked with local and international organizations including the European, United Nations Development Programme, DFID, etc. I was Accountant/Administrator for an EU/SBDC funded small business programme and worked in the Programme Unit of the EU Cariforum Agricultural and Fisheries Programme. I work with associates as required.
I have done project management training for officials of government agencies and taught at three of the nation’s tertiary institutions, Costaatt, Roytec and Cipriani College of Labour and Cooperative Studies, where I still lecture in project mangement and where for the last fours years I was the Procurement Specialist.
Our Business Solutions company
FFTS is a Business Solutions training and consultancy company which is dedicated to equipping prospective and existing entrepreneurs with the skills, knowledge, tools and techniques necessary to achieve business and personal success. I deliver unique and relevant solutions in keeping with the client’s requirements. Growing Businesses is the major focus of the company.
My focus – Providing entrepreneurs with business solutions
Entrepreneurship has many advantages among them being the possibility of obtaining huge profits but its disadvantages include high risk and the fact that you can be sued for the debts of the business. In addition the skills needed for business success keep changing and you need to have on board or be able to access the skills, resources, networks, etc. needed for business success. All of this can be very overwhelming to you. We provide the support services you need to start and grow your business.
To access our Business solutions send us a message

For inquiries about or services, please contact us either in person or online. This will allow us to
- Agree on a way forward
- Determine your requirements
- Determine the services to be provided given your situation/issues.
You may use our mobile number 1868 350 9456 or fill out the Contact Form