Have you been dreaming for years about having your own business? The ideas keep rolling through your mind but before you can work on developing it, you or your friends and family talk you out of it. With proper business planning assistance, you can get past your fears and with our assistance, you will be able to properly develop your business idea, and test the business model to ensure that the business is one which will be successful. Our Business Start-Up Services can help you.
This post outlines a short roadmap to the realization of your dreams. The key to a good start is good planning.
Our Business Start Up activities will help you to:
- Select the right business idea – See Business idea generation and screening
- Do the necessary research to determine the feasibility of the business idea- test the business model
- Prepare a Business Plan
- Agree on a funding source. Prepare and submit a proposal for funding and obtain funding approval. Read- funding small business in Trinidad and Tobago– much of the advice is relevant for other parts of the world
- Select a form of organization and register the organization
- Prepare a project management plan to start up the businesses. This is always advisable. Starting a business is a project and it should be done using proper project management tools and techniques. Read the post entitled – Starting a Business – the need for a project management plan
- Implement the plan- set up the business and establish all operating procedures and comply with all legal requirements
- Develop promotional and business documents
- Determine domain name, register domain and develop website
- Start up operations- staffing/ start-up of production/accounting systems, etc.
We provide services in all the above areas. We look forward to serving you in this area. Give us a call at 1868 3040929 or fill out the contact form using the link below.