Personal Development – key to growth and survival today

personal development

MM900295246Why Personal Development is needed.

Personal Development and in particular personal and business transformation are required if persons and businesses are to  survive in this global environment.  You need to stop having your life be one of continuously jumping over hurdles?

Let’s create the road map so that you can move in the direction of your dreams and become the person you have always dreamt of being.   Today many jobs are being lost not because of retrenchment, downsizing, closures but because those job functions no longer exist.  Technology, the fast rate of change, the global environment and many other factors are causing such changes.  Machines are replacing manual labour.  Robotics have caused the decline of many jobs in the manufacturing industry. The Internet and electronic mail have drastically reduced the need for the provincial “mail man”. Many jobs in the airline industry have gone especially those related to booking flights as this can be done online.

Industry Changes

What is happening in your industry? Do you know? Are you monitoring the trends, etc? Is your business product/model still relevant to the times. Organizations have entire departments that are concerned with scanning the environment and recommending strategies to reposition them so that they can continue to be relevant and sustainable. How do you stay current in an ever changing world that keeps demanding new new products, new processes, the meeting of new legal requirements, etc.

Personal factors requiring personal transformation

Your problem may not be business related.   There may be the need for you to make serious changes in your life.  Could it be that you are introverted, in debt, in a failing marriage, in a job which require new skills, competencies and which make increasing demands on you.  Or is it that you may be the fortunate one who has everything that the world treasures, the wealth, money, position but are not satisfied and you cannot explain why.  Perhaps there seems to be no more mountains to climb so you are depressed.  How do you keep changing yourself to adjust to this ever changing environment. Wherever you are in life, please appreciate the fact that YOU ARE ALIVE.  YOU ARE THEREFORE IN A POSITION TO CHANGE.    There are ways or steps you can follow to get out of where you are to where you should be:

Towards a New You  – Develop a strategic plan for your life

Strategic Planning is for companies and individuals. I went to church and my pastor in a sermon asked us whether we had done strategic plans for our lives.  I was shocked because you do not expect discussions like this to come from the church pulpit.  He went on to show through the scriptures that God was a long range planner. Nothing was by chance.  Today, even strategic planning has changed. Years ago we spoke of ten year strategic plans. Now we are talking about roll over planning. You have to; with each year reevaluate your plans to determine whether they are still relevant. For individuals to survive they have to do what corporations do. In this global environment your competition, even for a job, may be someone sitting miles away in India who is able to do work that you will normally be retained to do.  Do the following:

  • Do what is called SWOT analysis but what simply means determining your strengths, weaknesses and what opportunities are available to you and what threats are there in external environment that can adversely affect your life and/or business.  Make plans to effectively utilize your strengths, improve in weak areas, exploit opportunities and reduce the negative impact of threats.  Develop vision, mission, objectives and strategies.  Ensure the plan is workable and there are key milestones set.
  • Execute the plan and monitor and control its implementation.
  • Continuously visualize your new self and the new life or business you want to create.  Make all changes in your life or business that are required for you to make the transition.
  • Hold your self accountable, use affirmations and journal your progress.
  • Remember key to personal transformation is the requirement for continuous learning as the environment keeps changing and the expectations of you or your business will change.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Until all you can think of is jumping. You can use the very tools organizations use to reposition yourself.   You can browse my website, or send a contact request.  I will help you to develop the tools to reposition yourself in this continuously changing environment. My years in Business, Project Management and Life skills experience and experience as a Corporate Planner for a  Bank have equipped me to help you on this journey.   The first consultation is free. You have nothing to loose.

Skills you Need in an articue on Personal Development indicated that  Maslow (1970, p.383) says that all individuals have the need to see themselves as competent and autonomous, also that every person has limitless room for growth. While you are on that website read their article on Personal Empowerment.

Do not limit yourself and be afraid to try.  Failure is a part of the growth process.  It shows you what you should not do so you would avoid making the same mistakes. It is only a problem if you do not learn from it.

While you are getting the courage to try and try again, remember Myles Munroe’s quote

The wealthiest place in the world is not the gold mines of South America or the oil fields of Iraq or Iran. They are not the diamond mines of South Africa or the banks of the world. The wealthiest place on the planet is just down the road. It is the cemetery. There lie buried companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, bestselling books that were never written, and masterpieces that were never painted. In the cemetery is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential.”

You may be saying you lack confidence, listen to this short TED Video on the Skill of Self Confidence.

Good luck and have fun working at your best self

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