Providing tutoring and other assistance to persons and businesses

Business Development
With our knowledge of business, strategic planning, finance and life skills development, we help you to optimize growth opportunities and ensure organizational efficiency and effectiveness. We also help you to develop systems, policies and procedural manuals.

Project Management Consulting
We ensure your projects are properly planned, monitored, implemented, closed and achieve project objectives. We also diagnose and rectify project related problems.

A wide range of training options are available that ensure the acquisition of knowledge and relevant skills and that participants can apply training to their work and life situations. We also develop and facilitate customized progammes and deliver them online or in person.

Personal and Spiritual Development
This allows you to deal with life’s challenges, increase self-awareness, self esteam, your skills, and achieve personal and spirtiual goals.
Frederick’s Financial and Technical Services (FFTS) provides training, coaching, support and consultation services to businesses, individuals, government, and community based, non government and faith based organizations. Our core areas include Business, Project management – inclusive of Change Management, Strategic Planning and Spiritual and Personal Development. Theresa B Frederick is the Principal Consultant. She is a Business, Project Management and Strategic Management Consultant.
FFTS’s focus is to assist businesses to achieve their objectives through the development and implementation of projects, institutional strengthening of staff and optimization of available resources. Our emphasis is on executive and personal coaching, transfer of knowledge and empowering individuals.
FFTS prepares its clients to respond to today’s environment in which change has become the new normal and they have to continuously adjust their products, services, internal and external processes to be in line with the changing environment and changing requirements of their customers and government agencies and to achieve business success.
Check out my Youtube channel
My channel is called Growing businesses with projects. It targets the ordinary man who wants to understand and apply the principles of project management, business development, strategic planning, life skills and spiritual development. It is about making these areas easy to understand and apply to their situations. The channel also targets businesses and persons that have been stuck at one level and shows how they can use projects – to bring about change and move from one level to another.
It will produce simply presented tutorials and informative videos, discuss tools and techniques and best practices on these areas including procurement. I believe that in everything you do you have to include God our creater- Jesus Christ, hence the spiritual development aspect targeting the whole man.
If this seems to be something you want hit the SUBSCRIBE button and I will see you in the comments. Check out on this row one of my videos.
What Problems/Issues Do You Have?
Do you Need Help To:
- Refine a business idea and start a business
- Take a stuck business to the next level
- Improve business performance
- Plan and Implement Organizational Change
- Acquire Relevant Skills for advancement or personal development
- Plan and Implement Projects
- Ensure Your Company’s Compliance with the Procurement Act 2015
- Fix Projects which are Experiencing Problems
- Prepare Project and Other Proposals to Access Funding
- Acquire Training in Business and Project Management
- Improve in the Areas of Personal and Spiritual Development

FFTS Will Help You to Relieve Your Pain Points By:
- Provision of Business Planning and Busines Support Services
- Personal Coaching for Individual Growth and /or Advancement
- Providing Business and Project Management Training
- Facilitating Strategic Planning Interventions
- Helping You to Plan, Implement and Close Projects
- Preparing Project and Other Proposals to Access Funding
- Development of customized operations and other manuals inclusive of handbooks
- Helping you to Acquire Social and Other Skills and to Set and Implement Your Personal and Spiritual Development Goals.
- Helping Your Company’s to Comply with the Procurement Act and Requirements of the Office of Procurement Regulation (OPR) By:
- Assisting in the Development of Appropriate Systems, Polices, Procedures, Manuals and Handbooks
- Providing Relevant Training
This training programme is intended to help project managers and project personnel achieve project success through the proper management of project scope.
Jim Stewart on gave as the number one reason for project failure, scope creep. The PMBOK® Guide describes scope creep as “adding features and functionality (project scope) without addressing the effects on time, costs, and resources, or without customer approval” (PMI, 2008, p 440).
Click the button below for more on the programme and registration which is free.
Individual and group training Programmes - Online or in person
This addresses any need identified by the company. The exercises given, help them to come up with solutions to the isssues the company is facing.
Here also work with persons to resolve areas of weakness and/or to build skills needed for the world of work or to enhance their business.
Individual or Group Coaching sessions
In this ever changing enviornment, individuals and organizations often realize they do not have the skill sets to make the changes needed for survival and/or realizations of goals.
FFTS works to empower individuals or leadres with their teams, to refine their strategic and other goals and implement much needed changes in their organizations.
This can be in response to a Terms of Reference issued by the company or direct request of the company.
We provide an objective eye to guide businesses. Our mix of relevant skills include project management, business management, strategic planning and life skills development
FFTS works closely with business owners and managers to help identify challenges, offer advice, and propose practical solutions. Know benefits include cost savings, improved processes and workable systems.
Support re Assistance with the preparation of business plans, proposals, manuals, handbooks, reports and other documents
The skill set of Ms Frederick and experience as reflected in her completed projects allow her to be able to easily prepare funding and other proposals, manuals, policy and other documents, etc
Take Action Now To
change your life and/or business in 2023
Call Now for a Free Consultation to Determine which of Our Services can Assist in Your Move forward

Practical Training Programme
Let 2023 be different for you. Work on realizing your dream of having a business. Start training this year and bring your business to fuition early in 2023.